21 Steps to Awesomeness

As I was checking out my blog stats the other day I realised that many of my most popular posts all have something in common: NUMBERS. Check it out: 16 Tips to Simply Your Life (And Increase Your Productivity) 6 Things To Stop Caring About Today 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Do Kettlebells And I totally …

The Second Thing You Should Do in 2012

On Monday, I blogged about taking time out to reflect on the year gone past, and to start 2012 by asking the right questions. Today, I will share with you the second thing I think you should do as you launch into the new year: Make a plan. That's it. Simple. Have a plan, and …

10 Differences Between BEING Rich and GETTING Rich

Recently did a series at church called "How to Be Rich" inspired by Andy Stanley, and am also reading a book by Tim Ferris called the "4-Hour Work Week". Here are some things I am learning about the difference between getting rich and being rich: 1. Get Rich Mindset: Compare "up" in your finances. Always be aware of that which …